Zereldo’s Pirates of the caribbean online cheats, Codes, Guides, Quests, Help, tips, news, reviews, previews and everything else

This blog contains much quest help, guide to weapons, the latest new, it will tell you when there are new features of special events, its has guides, hints, tips, cheats, codes and everything else


A good place to go to look for quests is pubs as alot of people gather there. Failing that just ask all villagers in sight.

These are not the stroy quests and will not be very discriptive. All they will contian is who to talk to and mabye the location, what the person needs you to do, some helpful hints and the reward.

These Quests are in no particuler order.

Darby Drydock’s New Ship
To do this quest you must talk Darby Drydock in port royal. He is the person who sells ships.The quest consists of mainly 4 parts, all relitivly easy, You just need to sink the right ships. For completeing each part of the quest you will recieve 35 gold. After all these steps return to Darby Drydock
-Go around sinking ROYAL NAVEY SHIPS until you recive wooden planks
-Go around sinking ROYAL NAVEY SHIPS until you recive iron bars
-Go around sinking ROYAL NAVEY SHIPS until you recive copper rods
-Go around sinking EAST INDIA TRADING COMPANY/EITC ships until you get a yard of sailcloth

Helping Sam Seabones
Sam Seabone is near the place where you buy ships in port royal. There are three quests he has for you.

Hunt skeletons
-Kill 2 skelotons in port royal
-25 gold reward

Treacherous Navy
-Kill guards until you get a key
-25 gold reward

The Curse Of Yellow Dan
-Dig up a treasure chest (anywhere in port Royal) Then go back to Sam Seabones
-Kill a skeleton till you get a key
-25 gold reward

Win at poker
Talk to someone in the Rowdy Rooster, one of the pubs in port royal, until you get this quest
-Win 150 gold playing poker, not sure if you have to win 150 gold in one game or If you need to win 150 gold in total.
-100 nortority
(note there may be more to the quest then that, since I am against gambleing i have not done it)

Mercenary Job
This quest is unique becuase you may be asked to complete ONE of many tasks. Got to the Royal anchor in port royal and talk to people util you get this quest.
Here is a list of possible tasks and rewards that I Know of
-kill 16 veterens-65 gold
-kill 9 thugs-65 gold

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